Week 3 - Algorithms
This is CS50 Week 3. I will go through my summary of Week 3's content.
Sorting Algorithm
Selection sort
Basically, this method starts at the beginning and select the smallest till the end and then swap it with the current selection.
Its time complexity is . Inspiration from shorts:
The idea behind selection sort: The idea of selection sort is to find the smallest unsorted element and add it to the end of the sorted list.
In pseudocode:
Bubble sort
This method sorts the largest number to the end until the beginning.
Its time complexity is also. Inspiration from shorts:
The idea behind bubble sort: The idea of bubble sort is to move higher valued elements generally towards the right and lower value elements generally towards the left.
In pseudocode:
Merge sort
This method takes twice the memory space.
Its time complexity is . Inspiration from shorts:
The idea behind merge sort: The idea of merge sort is to sort smaller arrays and then combine those arrays together (merge them) in sorted order.
To debug recursive function more effectively, there is a field called Call Stack.
inside a function call only ends the given function call only. It won't terminate the whole program.
Problem Set 3
Just keep in mind the best and worst case time complexity of these three sort algorithms. That's enough.
Things to notice in the problem statement
If the user inputs an invalid input, the vote will be wasted.
We must print out all the candidates with
Divide and Conquer
Print Winners
In the
, we need two loops, one for finding the max votes and another for printing all the candidates with that max votes if we don't want to increase the space complexity, like using an array to record the index of the candidates with max votes.
Before the problem
In the second problem about plurality, we may face a problem that there may be several winners. To deal with that problem, we assign the rank to each candidate the voter votes to.
Things to notice in the problem statement
indicates that voteri
th choice is the value ofpreferences[i][j]
th candidate. (We assume thatpreferences[i][0]
is the first choice).Thanks to the introduction of
, our election may have only one winner. If not, we need to do the elimination.
Divide and Conquer
Record preference if vote is valid (
bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name)
Tabulate votes for non-eliminated candidates (
void tabulate(void)
Print the winner of the election, if there is one (
bool print_winner(void)
Return the minimum number of votes any remaining candidate has (
int find_min(void)
Decide whether the election is a tie (
bool is_tie(int min)
Eliminate the candidate (or candidates) in last place (
void eliminate(int min)
Nothing much to take away since it is a very specific probelm. What I want to say is to follow the problem instructions carefully!
Things to notice in the problem statement
The integer
will represent the number of voters who prefer candidatei
over candidatej
.The file also defines another two-dimensional array, called
, which will represent the candidate graph.locked
is a boolean array, solocked[i][j]
being true represents the existence of an edge pointing from candidatei
to candidatej
; false means there is no edge. (If curious, this representation of a graph is known as an “adjacency matrix”).The
is used to represent a pair of candidates: each pair includes thewinner
's candidate index and theloser
's candidate index. (Both of the index are integer)There is an array called
, whereranks[i]
is the index of the candidate who is thei
th preference for the voter. (We will update the rank at each iteration of a new voter)
Divide and Conquer
Update ranks given a new vote (
bool vote(int rank, string name, int ranks[])
Update preferences given one voter's ranks (
void record_preferences(int ranks[])
Method 1
Method 2
Record pairs of candidates where one is preferred over the other (
void add_pairs(void)
Note that the condition to add a new pair is not preferences[i][j]
greater than 0. It must be as stated in the pseudocode since only greater than 0 doesn't necessarily mean i
is preferred over j
Sort pairs in decreasing order by strength of victory (
void sort_pairs(void)
) The criteria for comparison ispreferences[i][j]
, which is also the strength of victory.Bubble sort. Just a normal Buuble sort implementation would be okie but remember that in this problem, we need to move the smallest number towards the right.
Lock pairs into the candidate graph in order, without creating cycles (
void lock_pairs(void)
) This problem can be regarded as a very classic problem: determine whether there is a cycle in a directed graph. But in this probelm it's a little different, there is only one edge between two vertices.
Method 1
This method will use DFS and Recursion to judge the cycle in the graph. (Note that this method may not apply to general directed graph).
Lock the pairs (
Check whether there is a loop in the graph (
loop_check(int start)
Print the winner of the election (
void print_winner(void)
) For a specific candidatej
, if with all the other candidates (iterating fromi
), thelocked[j][i]
is false, then candidatej
is the winner. Otherwise, there is no winner.
Useful Snippets
If a recursion function, if you want to return true after reaching a specific requirement, you must return true from all the calls. That means you must add a line
if (recursion_function_call) return true
. This is very important.
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