Midterm (AY18/19)


8. Program Flow

Which of the following function or functions correctly compute the sum of all integers between i and j, inclusive?

The function below, which uses a while loop, can achieve "inclusivity".

long foo(long i, long j) {
    long sum = i;
    long x = i;
    while (x < j) {
        x += 1;
        sum += x;
    return sum;

Because the last time you enter the loop, x will be j-1. Then execute line 5, x will be j. Then execute line 6, j will be added to sum also.

This tells us that in a while loop, where the loop update is done before the loop body, the second part of loop condition is inclusive.

10. Assertion

This is a question about assertion. From the CS1010 Notes, an assertion is:

a logical expression that must always be true for the program to be correct.

After knowing this, we can observe our question. Here, we use a do-while loop, which means we will enter the loop once at least. And the question becomes, what is always true at the line // { ?? }, which is also the end of the function.

We can divide the problem into two small parts:

  1. What will happen if we exit the loop

  2. What will happen in our loop

For the first part, it is trivial. If we exit the loop, we just need to negate the loop condition. So, our assertion for the first part should be !a.

For the second part, we can further divide it into two parts:

  1. Either we enter the if-else structure, or

  2. We do not enter the if-else structure.

For the first part, we can safely state that X || Y will always be true.

For the second part, we can assert that !b && !c to be always true.

Thus, forming our assertion for these two, we can assert that (X || Y) || (!b && !c). This assertion will be true during every iteration of the loop! Also, this will help us think of the general form of the assertion at the end of the if-else structure.

Then, we should think about what's the relationship between these two assertions we have made: !a and (X || Y) || (!b && !c). Since it is a do-while loop, we will enter the loop body at least once. So, at the end of the function, we will always have (X || Y) || (!b && !c) to be true. And since we have exited the loop already, so !a must be true at the same time! So, we should use the && operator to connect these two assertions.

General Form of Assertion for "if-else" structure

  1. The if-else structure is . (a, b, X, Y, Z are all logical expressions)

if (a) {
    // { X };
} else if (b) {
    // { Y };
} else {
    // { Z };
// { ?? }

The assertion we can make at // { ?? } is

// { X || Y || Z }
  1. The if-else structure is . (a, b, X, Y are all logical expressions)

if (a) {
    // { X };
} else if (b) {
    // { Y };

The assertion we can make at // { ?? } is

// { ( X || Y) || (!a && !b) }

11. Algorithm

The main idea behind this problem is to use two variables, one to store the max, the other to store the second-max. And update the second-max only when what you have encountered is a max or if it is not the max, it is bigger than the current second-max.

12. Flowchart

This is a "give-away" question itself, but one thing we should pay attention to is how to point the arrows from an if/else if (diamond) block to to another diamond. The example flowchart is below:

14. Invariant*

Before we dive into this question, let's recap what is a loop invariant from CS1010 Notes:

A loop invariant is an assertion that is true before the loop, after each iteration of the loop, and after the loop.

  1. it is true at the end of the first iteration of the loop

Now, we can take a look at the question

The first three parts are tivial


At Line C, assuming x == n ­- y*k,

  1. after y += 1, we have x == n ­- (y­ - 1)*k.

  2. In the next line, we decrement x ­-= k, so x + k == n ­- (y - ­1)*k, simplifying the righthand side, we have x == n­ - y*k again.

The basic idea is that, if the variables in your loop invariant is changed during the execution, change them according in your loop invariant. For example, if our loop invariant contains x = ... and x is incremented by 1 in the loop body, we should change the loop invariant at this line to be x - 1 =... Do this for all the varaibles including in the loop invariant. Then once you reach the end of the loop, simplify the expression and see whether it is the same as the loop invariant you have achieved before.

15. Recursion

This recursion is quite easy compared to the one that appears in the Midterm PE.

The solution using only one line can be:

return (x % 10 == 8) || (x > 10 && has8(x/10));


  1. Add the flowchart of find the maximum number of a given list in your cheatsheet. (Use this to get a glimpse of how to draw the flowchart)

  2. Include the 10. Assertion and 14. Invariant* into cheatsheet.

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